Sec3 and Magicblock Boost Security for On-chain Worlds

Magicblock Magicblock Follow May 10, 2023 · 1 min read
Sec3 and Magicblock Boost Security for On-chain Worlds

We are happy to announce a new partnership with Sec3, a leading security research, auditing, and engineering company to enhance the security of the next generation of on-chain games and autonomous worlds.

Through the partnership, Magicblock’ developers will be able to gain discounted access for X-ray, an automated smart contracts vulnerabilities scanner as well as manual Launch Audits. WatchTower, a real time on-chain monitoring service, is currently available for free. Blockchains are adversarial environments. As more and more games become fully on-chain experiences with economies deeply entrenched in DeFi markets, the need for reliable monitoring services will only increase. This is where the security expertise of sec3 comes into play, as their suite of products simplifies the monitoring of unusual transactions leveraging the latest research in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. By looking through historical transactions, WatchTower is able to alert of potentially malicious transactions in real time with almost no user input. sec3 is also actively researching ways to curtail and prevent botting within gaming.

As infrastructure providers, we are always looking for ways to help our developers grow their games and improve their workflows. sec3 is an incredible add-on that will provide top-class security and monitoring solutions for fully on-chain worlds.

Andrea Fortugno, CEO of Magicblock

We’re excited to collaborate with Magicblock in their pursuit of simplifying web3 game development. Our partnership will enable sec3 to deliver world-class security, auditing, and monitoring solutions that ensure the safety and resilience of on-chain economies and foster innovation in the gaming ecosystem.

Chris Wang, CEO of Sec3

This partnership will provide Magicblock’s ecosystem developers with increased confidence in the security and stability of their games. We are thrilled to be working with sec3 to reduce attack vectors and vulnerabilities for the next generation of on-chain gaming.

Learn more and sign up to Sec3, using the MAGICBLOCK discount code.

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